E.T Nature Studio

In the heart of Dalarna are Siljansbygden and Orsa.
There, unique craftsmanship is made from leather, leather and biothane that is tailored just to your wishes. Being out in nature together with a fine craft makes the experience hopefully even more endearing.

We sell, among other things, knife belts of different models, for example for the dog handler, hand-protect leather bags for the coffee, personal weapon straps of 2 different models, the fantastic Orsalinan and solid colored track line, lots of accessories both for man and dog.

My name is Elle Thomée and I started this company in 2019. The reason I started creating these products is because I myself am very much out in nature, hunting and training with my dogs and developed the knife belt according to that need. The workshop is out in the yard and you are most welcome to visit by agreement.
From having started with a smaller customer base within Sweden, I now deliver my products to countries throughout Europe, both private individuals and companies.

Kontakta oss

Telefon 073-7707062

E-post info@etnaturatelje.se

Jämt Annas väg 1
79432 Orsa