Solsyran produces and sells fresh and leavened vegetables, sea buckthorn berries, sea buckthorn nectar and juices. Also fresh berries such as strawberries. We sell organic dry products from our pick & balance system, Gotland lentils, rättviksärt, Swedish quinoa, dried fruits and more. Here there is a biologically diversified vegetable and berry garden. The solar acid works to benefit pollinators and beneficial animals in the vegetable garden. We have an organic certified production, KRAV.
Solsyran can be found in the village of Hansjö north of Orsa. Ribbtjärnsvägen 22.
Opens the sale in June. Self-service weekdays 12–18. Saturday 11–14. From July, we have staffed Saturdays 11–14 and Wednesdays 15–18. Pay with Swish or cash.
Contact us
073-8077882, 070-8838649.
Ribbtjärnsvägen 22
794 90 Orsa